Odds are good that you've seen a commercial for the Jitterbug phone on TV and gotten the catchy jingle stuck in your head at least once lately. This newcomer to the cell phone market has answered the request that so many baby boomers have been making over the past 10 years: for someone to make a phone that isn't microscopic and that feels similar enough to a land-line that they can get their parents to use it!
The Jitterbug phone is designed with seniors in mind, but it's a solid option for those users who have vision problems, impaired hearing, or difficulty with complex technology. It's designed to be very simple to use and each button is clearly labeled with its function. At 4"x2"x1" it's not terribly small, which for its intended user is a very good thing indeed.
Sprint Cellular Phone
The Jitterbug phone features large buttons, and not too many of them. On the simplest model (the "OneTouch",) you'll find 3 primary buttons labeled "911", "Operator", and one which is customized by the user when they order. In addition, there are two buttons labeled "Yes", and "No". The other model (the "Dial") features a numeric keypad as well as the yes & no buttons. Both models have a clearly labeled On/Off button - a definite departure from the typical difficult to find On/Off button found on most cell phones. Where the Jitterbug really stands out is in its operator service. With the touch of one button an operator who is familiar with the Jitterbug phone and service will be on the line. This operator can connect the user to any number, can find a phone number, can program a number into the user's phone, and can assist the user with any questions. How's that for service?
The service plans are set up with fairly moderate usage in mind, and most users will probably find that the range of affordable plans is sufficient for their needs. The most basic service starts at per month for a simple 911 service (minutes can be purchased separately and are good for 90 days.) The plans then progress with options at , , , , and (minute allotments range from 30 minutes to 800.) Voicemail is optional and costs an additional per month. The phone itself is reasonably priced at 7 and requires no contract, which is a definite bonus if you're thinking of purchasing it as a gift.
The Jitterbug phone is offered through GreatCall and operates using the Sprint network which has extensive coverage in the US.
The Basics of the Jitterbug Cell Phone
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